The Hamilton Family Health Team offers nutrition programs and workshops to help you learn more about your health conditions and how to manage your health through food and nutrition. Food is medicine!
Learning together with others in a group with similar health concerns builds peer support, offers opportunities to ask questions and share lived experiences. Group learning combined with nutrition counseling from your dietitian can improve your physical and mental health. Our groups are a fun way to learn about nutrition and make changes you can feel proud of.
If you have questions about eligibility, please call the Groups and Workshops Line at 905-667-4852.
All our workshops are run by Registered Dietitians who can help you learn more about:
Dietary strategies to manage diet-related health conditions like diabetes, heart health, mindful eating and more
Your specific nutrient, vitamin and mineral needs
Practical suggestions for meal planning and healthy cooking at home
Making good decisions when dining out or eating away from home
How to read and understand food labels
Setting realistic goals and maintaining positive changes
We have program and workshops for:
We have several free webinars you can watch. Our webinars are open to anyone and can be viewed on each groups page or on our YouTube channel, which you can find by going to this link.
Why is good nutrition so important as we age? Do our nutrient needs change with age? What can I eat to prevent diabetes and heart disease, falls and malnutrition? What nutrients do I need to pay special attention to as I age? Join us to get answers from our dietitians and learn about the secrets to eating well and aging well.
Did you know the average Canadian household spends $1766 on food that is wasted every year? Wondering how to reduce the food waste in your home and save food costs during COVID-19? Join our dietitians and learn:
How long foods can last in the kitchen.
The best way to store foods to reduce waste.
How to use every part of the food when you can.
How to freeze and preserve foods for easy use another day and save yourself money in the long run!
We will also share online meal planners to save you time and money too!
Are you eating enough iron and vitamin B12 to prevent anemia? Inadequate iron is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world and low B12 may not be far behind. Join our dietitians and learn about:
Symptoms of low iron or low B12
Who may be at risk of iron deficiency or pernicious anemia
How to correct an iron or vitamin B12 deficiency
Iron rich and B12 rich food sources
Which supplements do I need to take to correct a deficiency and for how long?
Sentindo-se cansado (a)? Tem pouca energia, dificuldade de concentração ou sono? Você pode não estar recebendo os nutrientes de que precisa. É preciso mais de 50 vitaminas e minierais todos os dias para sentir o nosso melhor e as deficiências nutricionais são muito mais comuns do que pensamos. Mudancas na absorção com o envelhecimento interações medicamentosas e medicamentosas e menor ingestão alimentar são apensa alg umas das razões pelas quais Podemos nos tornar deficientes em nutrients essenciais. Jun te-se aos nosso nutricionistas rpara uma sessão virtual sobre a deficiência de magnésio e de scubra como garantir que você está recebendo o que precisa.
Wondering about ways to support your immunity during COVID-19? Join our dietitians and learn about:
What factors suppress our immune system and things we can do
The importance of nutrition for immune function
If an immune boosting diet exists?
Common deficiencies in Canadians (Vit D, C, Mg, Zinc)
Is there a role for nutritional supplements during COVID?
Noticing changes in your eating and activity habits during COVID-19 leading to weight gain? You're not alone as many people are reporting "the COVID-19". If you are wondering about ways to prevent further weight gain and get back on track, join our dietitians and learn about:
Why we reach for comfort foods under periods of stress
Nutritional deficiencies that could be effecting your energy, your appetite and sabotaging your efforts to choose healthy choices
How to re-engineer your home to reduce over eating
Strategies to help you identify your triggers, eat more mindfully and feel more in control of your choices even in times of stress
Helpful resources at your fingertips you may not even know about!
Feeling draggy? Have low energy, difficulty concentrating or sleeping? You may not be getting the nutrients you need for optimal health.
It takes over 50 vitamins and minerals each day to feel our best and nutritional deficiencies are much more common than we think. Changes in absorption with aging, medication interactions, and lower dietary intake are just some of reasons we may become deficient in essential nutrients.
Join our Registered Dietitians for a virtual session to learn about common nutritional deficiencies such as low iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and magnesium and find out how to ensure you are getting what you need.
Did you know that fiber is a prebiotic that helps promote healthy gut bacteria? Changes in our gut with aging, medication interactions, and lower fiber intake can effect your digestion and risk of heart disease too. Join our Registered Dietitians for a virtual session to learn about your gut’s role in digestion, immunity, and heart health, how fibers you eat can improve your BP and cholesterol and lower your risk of heart attack and stroke and tips to promote healthy bacteria in the gut.