Like many parents, you may be asking if your child is growing well. You may be comparing your child to other children of the same age. This is not a good way for you to tell how your child is doing, because children come in different shapes and sizes. So how do you know if your child is growing well? You can use the WHO Growth Charts for Canada.
When your child is born, your doctor will measure your child's weight, length and head circumference. Your doctor can then graph the measurements on the growth charts. As your child gets older and sees your doctor for check-ups, your doctor can keep using the charts to graph your child's measurements to see how well your child is growing over time.
The way your child grows can say a lot about how your child is doing. Growing too fast or too slow can be a sign of problems with your child's health, the food they are eating or the amount of exercise they are getting. Using the growth charts, your doctor will be able to tell you if things are going well, or if you need to make any changes to help your child grow better. It is important to know that when using the growth chart, there is not a certain number or percentile that children should be. Instead, what you want is for your child to follow ("track") along the same growth line over time.
When you use the growth charts, make sure you use the right chart for your child's age and sex, and that you graph weight and height for age, head circumference for age and weigh for height. Using all of these charts will give you the best idea of how your child is doing. If you have any questions about using the growth charts, or how your child is growing, talk to your doctor or nurse.
Dietitians of Canada - WHO Growth Charts
Dietitians of Canada - Is my child growing well?
Hamilton Family Health Team - Child nutrition and activity
Unlock Food - Children's Nutrition (Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000)
City of Hamilton - Public Health Services - Nutrition Information and Resources (905-546-3550)
Hamilton Family Health Team offers two Infant and Toddler Feeding Workshops. Sign up today!