There are medical tests, treatments and procedures for many different kinds of health problems. While some are useful, research shows that not all of these interventions keep you healthy, and in fact, some of these things have negative side effects or risks!
Choosing Wisely Canada is an organization dedicated to helping health care providers and patients talk about different tests, treatments and procedures and deciding what is right for your health. This involves looking at your goals, your medical history, and considering the good and bad effects different treatments or tests can have.
Visit the Choosing Wisely website for more information about this organization, and to check out some information about common health problems you or someone you know might have, and the kinds of tests or treatments that may or may not be right:
Catch up on our weekly Choosing Wisely newsletters, put together by the HFHT Choosing Wisely Committee made up of Dr. Mike Pray (pictured above), Dr. Monica De Benedetti, Dr. Rob Kerr, and Vanessa Foreman (pictured above). These newsletters are focused on health care providers in family doctors' offices but there is good information in them for everyone.
We were featured on the Choosing Wisely Canada website! Check it out!
Issue 14: Ankle Problems Continued - When Does an X-Ray Make Sense? (February 2017)
Issue 18: Sometimes, Falls Prevention is the Best Kind of Fracture Prevention (March 2017)
Issue 20: Give the Food Sensitivity Test a Rest (April 2017)
Issue 21: The Real Deal on Self-Monitoring Blood Sugars (April 2017)
Issue 23 (we skipped an issue): Could Be the Thyroid, Could be Ennui (May 2017)
Issue 26: Reflections on 25 Episodes of Practising Wisely (June 2017)
Issue 28: More on Prostate Cancer - Info on the Treatment (July 2017)
Issue 30: Liver Lesions: Avoid the Diagnostic Merry Go Round (July 2017)
Issue 35: Choose/Practice Wisely - Right from the Start! (Sept 2017)
Issue 36: Reducing the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke (Part I) (Sept 2017)
Issue 37: Reducing the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke (Part II) - Assessing Risk (Sept 2017)
Issue 47: Mastering the Art and Science of Communicating Evidence with Patients (January 2018)
Issue 50: Vitamin D and Calcium - A Not So Dynamic Duo? (February 2018)
Issue 55: It Might Be Time to Avoid Gabapentinoids for Pain (July 2018)
Issue 57: It's Of-fish-ial: Fish Oil Supplments Shown to be Ineffective (August 2018)
Issue 58: Continuity of Care is Good for Health (August 2018)
Issue 60: Just Say No to Aspirin for the Well Elderly (Sept 2018)