All parents want their children to be safe and as healthy and happy as possible. Your Family Doctor's office is a great place for you to learn how to make this happen.
According to the Rourke Baby Record and the Canadian Pediatric Society, during the first week after your baby is born, they will have their first "Well Baby Visit" check-up with your Doctor or Nurse. At the visit, your Doctor or Nurse will start by taking your child's measurements. They will talk with you about nutrition, safety, parenting, child behaviour, and your child's development. They should answer questions or discuss any concerns you might have.
Also, your Doctor or Nurse will do a physical check-up of your baby and will give any needed immunizations. These visits are a great time for you to learn how you baby is doing and what you can do to help keep them safe and healthy. You will have more "Well Baby Visits" when your baby is two weeks old, one month old, two, four, six, nine, twelve, fifteen and eighteen months old, then again once or twice before six years of age.
If you want to know more about what your Doctor is going to talk about at the visit, or if you have questions or want information before your visit, click on the topic below to learn more information.